Consulting Services

New Business Start-up

Starting a new business can be as daunting as it is adventurous. We will help you with all of the nuances of business start up, including:

  • Advising on when and if to Incorporate
  • Incorporation
  • Advising on the appropriate business licenses and WCB
  • Business number registration with Canada Revenue Agency
  • Setup of bookkeeping and accounting records

Advisory Services

We advise on many aspects of managing your business. From analyzing different strategic options to financing requirements, we will help you:

  • Determine whether it’s best to lease or buy vehicles, equipment, or premises
  • Secure financing
  • Navigate loan applications
  • Create business plans
  • Finance business acquisitions
  • And many other advisory services

We also work with Seniors on Retirement and Financial planning.

Corporate Valuations, Reorganizations, and Acquisitions

The world isn’t static, and Corporations aren’t either. An accurate valuation is the first step to determining and minimizing the tax implications of many business events, such as:

  • Entry of new shareholders
  • Exit of existing shareholders
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • Sale of your business
  • Matrimonial settlements
  • Death of a shareholder

We are available to assist with the acquisition of a business by performing appropriate due diligence review over the business in question. We will also aid with determing financing options and securing financing.

Cash Flow Management

One of the most important tools in sustaining a business is Cash Flow Management. A business cannot thrive without careful management of cash and working capital. Assistance is available to:

  • Prepare a cash flow budget
  • Assess how changes in operations will impact cash flow
  • Determine appropriate financing options
  • Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of leasing vs buying equipment